Friday, February 29, 2008

Dedication Booth at CUCMS

Dedication Booth is another minor project that is carried out by YM2. For RM3, they can give a greeting card together with a gift to that special someone. The committee members will then personally hand in those goodies to the lucky recipients each week. This service is not only limited to among the students; mentors can also use this chance to treat their mentees. Other than that, this can also be another way to give birthday treat and also letters for the logbook.

Through this project, we hope the CUCMS-ers will be able to work and study together in a harmonious and friendly environment. Besides that, this also gives the opportunity to put smiles towards those whom they care about.

Funds generated will be allocated to the orphanages chosen by the YM2 and also for future YM2 projects.

Further info regarding the booth is as follows:

MBBS 2nd year – Hanani, Hanan
PHARM 2ND year – Maya, Ain, Jane and Meenaha

RM 3 – inclusive of gift and card

At our booth, in the hall area.

Daily except on Wednesday – “Booking Days”
Thursday – “Delivery Days” - senders can expect their cards and the gifts to be sent to their recipients today

So check out for your names on the notice board on that morning. Who knows? This might be your lucky week!

Credits to Hanani Panini

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Take our poll : Have you ever participated in voluntary work?

Spirit of Volunteerism : Maran Flood Relief 2007

You have seen news reports about people who need assistance after a natural disaster or animals in need. Or perhaps you've watched TV programs about how lonely and isolated older people can get.

So what can you do about any of those things, you ask? The answer: You can volunteer.

Volunteering gives you an opportunity to change people's lives, including your own. Volunteering and giving from your heart can be very rewarding.If you'd like to support a cause but can't afford to donate money, you can donate your time and energy instead.

So how do you go about it?

Take our poll and leave your comments here. We would love to know what you think about volunteerism.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

An Introduction to Young Mercy

Why are we here?

The Young MERCY programme is one of the co-curricular activities of Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) where an early exposure to volunteerism is instilled. The Young MERCY programme for year 2007/2008 is made up of 2 smaller groups; the Young MERCY 1 and Young MERCY 2. It comprises the medical and pharmacy students of the Year 2.

This group is established in the hope of following the footsteps of the already established MERCY Malaysia. Other than just being medical students, we are expected to be able to develop concern and care towards the society. This in line with the motto of our own university, Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) which is “Nurture the Passion to Care”

Our main objective is to make a difference by serving to the community in terms of health care. Currently, we, the Young MERCY 2 are in progress of holding a charity health carnival which will be held in Shah Alam in April this year. Funds generated through this carnival will be allocated for the needy.

Through this practice, we hope we will not only end up being good physicians in the future but as well, to be responsible citizens who have the spirit of volunteerism, humanism and passion to care for the nation.


You can help us make a difference by making a donation to Young Mercy. This fund will enables us to carry out volunteer and humanitarian programmes to numerous communities in need. If you wish to donate, please email us at

Credits to Hanani

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Recycling Project

Here in Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, we try to shoot two birds with one stone. Apart from raising funds for our bigger Young Mercy project and also to contribute to the orphans, Young Mercy II recycling ambassadors are trying to cultivate the spirit of recycling among the students.

By placing information and recycling boxes in targeted areas of the university, we want to show that being medical students doesn’t rule out the responsibility to maintain the resources and health of Mother Earth.

By creating this awareness, we hope that students in the future will recycle the items appropriately not only in the university but also in the hostel and at home. We also hope they will do it not for the project alone but to be better residents of our planet.

We will also convey this message to people living in Cyberjaya, who may not be aware of the significance of recycling, especially in an area where there is not much government initiation of environmental projects.

Credit to Victor a.k.a The Recycling Ambassador

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Baking for Benefits

On Monday (18th February), everyone was talking about the delicious chocolate cookies and colourful cupcakes that they ate.
As it turned out, those cookies and cupcakes were made by the hardworking baking team of Young Mercy2 as a part of our fundraising project. The sale was a big success.
Not only that we got big profits but there were also donations from some buyers who loved the cookies and cupcakes so much. The motto of the team is ‘Support Us in Helping Others’.
Farhana Roslan, the girl behind the sweet idea, said that for every week, 3 members of YoungMercy2 will bake their own speciality. She also said that the baking experience taught the members about teamwork and being creative in raising funds for the humanitarian projects.
CUCMS residents are looking forward for more mouth-watering goodies in the weeks to come.

Try our homemade chocolate cookies.

"Cookies for sale!"

Cupcakes Paradise

Care for some cupcakes? They are for a good cause. =)

Volunteerism alive and kickin’ at Young Mercy

January 2008 welcomed the arrival of our first step in making a nationwide change. The start of our charity group, Young Mercy, meant that we would be taking part in one of the biggest volunteering and fundraising projects of our lives so far.
It is important to note us students are “true volunteers” -- we received no extra credit, no payment, only recognition and a true feeling of giving.
Over the next few months, various activities are planned and going to be carried out for charity & the environment. Zero ringgit goes to us or our university and we hope to inculcate our “ringgit a day” ideology into as many possible.
What’s in it for you? Buy our yummy icing-topped cupcakes, complete our brain bending crossword and even give us your trash! Show us your spirit of volunteerism today!

These are the projects that we are proposing to do:

Minor Activities:-

a) Collect recycling materials
b) Organize a cross-word puzzle competition
c) Dedications + Cookies
d) Merchandizing ( mugs and key-chains )

Major Activities:-

Health Carnival of Cyberjaya, Comprising of :-

i) Medical Check-up
ii) Concert
iii) Motor Show
iv) Set up booths ( Corporate bodies & Universities )
v) Sports ( Futsal, Netball, Basketball )
vi) Amazing Race

We will document our activities here in this blog, which also happens to be one of our minor projects. The followings are the mission and vision of this blog:


-Educate the global community of the importance of volunteer awareness
-Help various charities without taking in any profit of any kind
-Provide an alternative pathway for donors to contribute in the name of charity
-Promote altruism and prosocial behaviour
-Introduce CUCMS and Young Mercy to the online community


To educate the visitors of the website on the importance of awareness and disaster relief by providing information and a medium for online donations.


-Instill empathy to CUCMS students and visitors of the website
-Volunteer without expecting or accepting any profit in return
-Have communication with various individuals or groups that can help

Check out this blog in the future for more updates =)

credits to Ashwin and Hanan