Sunday, February 24, 2008

An Introduction to Young Mercy

Why are we here?

The Young MERCY programme is one of the co-curricular activities of Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) where an early exposure to volunteerism is instilled. The Young MERCY programme for year 2007/2008 is made up of 2 smaller groups; the Young MERCY 1 and Young MERCY 2. It comprises the medical and pharmacy students of the Year 2.

This group is established in the hope of following the footsteps of the already established MERCY Malaysia. Other than just being medical students, we are expected to be able to develop concern and care towards the society. This in line with the motto of our own university, Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) which is “Nurture the Passion to Care”

Our main objective is to make a difference by serving to the community in terms of health care. Currently, we, the Young MERCY 2 are in progress of holding a charity health carnival which will be held in Shah Alam in April this year. Funds generated through this carnival will be allocated for the needy.

Through this practice, we hope we will not only end up being good physicians in the future but as well, to be responsible citizens who have the spirit of volunteerism, humanism and passion to care for the nation.


You can help us make a difference by making a donation to Young Mercy. This fund will enables us to carry out volunteer and humanitarian programmes to numerous communities in need. If you wish to donate, please email us at

Credits to Hanani