Monday, March 3, 2008

Hello hairstylist!

Hello hairstylist! is a charity project to raise fund as a part of Young Mercy subject requirement. Anuar(YM2) and I, Afizy (YM1) gave away the opportunity to cut our hair to all CUCMS student as well as lecturer (who were so eager to cut our hair for a long time!) and staff.

Every cut cost the person RM2. The idea came to me when I was thinking of how I can raise fund without any expenses. Thus, I came with this wild idea which is creative and never been done before in CUCMS.

At the end of the day, both of us went bald and we were given the name BO & TAK. Sounds funny right but then we were satisfied because we manage to collect RM112 which is very impressive I suppose. All the money will be donated to the Young Mercy. Anuar and I were very proud of ourselves. Everyone enjoyed cutting our hair.

Notice the difference in their smile...before and after?

For more pictures, please visit our Young Mercy Gallery.
Credits to Afizy of YM1 (thanks for your support!)
Note: To members of YM1, YM2 would like to thank you guys for your collaboration. Together, we can make the world a better place. =)